Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The DCCCD Stem Tutoring Method

The DCCCD Stem Tutoring MethodDCCCD stem tutoring for students is designed to help students learn more about their planet and the role it plays in our lives. The internet and television have provided endless opportunities for viewers to expand their awareness of earth's existence and its natural resources. The curriculum developed to address these questions and the abilities of the children in learning to distinguish between fact and fiction, using the skills of observation and critical thinking, to understand that there are no solid facts and that the Earth is an entity of great importance to humankind.An online DCCCD stem tutoring program provides the children with a multitude of opportunities to learn about their world and the components of it. These methods will not only enrich their understanding of science and its implications on our lives, but also provide them with tools to use for communicating their ideas to others in their society. Because of this, they will be able to imp rove their language skills, utilize their imaginations and improve their communication skills. Through the lessons of their teachers, they will be able to relate these skills to their everyday lives in a way that others will be able to relate back to them and to their world.These methods are important ways for children to begin to develop a greater sense of responsibility in regard to environmental protection. They will realize that their everyday choices have an impact on the planet and how they treat it. They will understand that any decisions that they make today will be the foundation for the type of life they will live in the future.Understanding this concept is one of the first steps in developing solid ways of making changes in your lifestyle. When children understand that every day is going to change, they will come to realize that it is essential to create ways to be part of the solution to the problem of global warming. Knowing what is going on around them will allow them to connect their personal actions to the environment around them. These children will know that they need to take part in making the world a better place to live in by being positive and by supporting initiatives that will save our planet.There are numerous activities available on the internet and in the classroom that can further assist children in these concepts. A DVD that features video clips of actual geology and environmental science field trips, providing information about the environment and its importance to humanity. It will also provide them with the opportunity to identify with these images and to gain a sense of how much impact they make in regards to their lives and their environment.A classroom activity in DCCCD stem tutoring teaches the children the differences between fact and fiction. The task in this activity is to point out the distinction between reality and fiction through the use of their imagination. For example, when a child is asked if snow can fall from th e sky, he or she will be able to see a small piece of ice that falls onto the ground. However, if they were told that it is impossible for snow to fall from the sky, they would see nothing at all.The next step is to construct a fictional explanation for the factual difference. They can do this by imagining that the ice eventually breaks into smaller pieces and then becomes dust. This can be compared to what actually occurs in the real world. The atmosphere in the atmosphere does not fall into tiny pieces but it becomes sand and then becomes wind blown sand which will make up the sand dunes and desert.Lastly, they can practice quizzing and testing techniques, allowing them to become familiar with the methods and review their answers after completion. Doing this will help them develop the ability to make logical and critical decisions, focusing on the difference between facts and fiction. It will also aid them in understanding how real and perceived differences between reality and fic tion are related to the environment and how it is affected by our actions.

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